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Wow, this is really informative. Actually, Asian and Asian American men who came to the Americas have always intermarried with Latinas, Native Americans, Whites and Blacks. It's nothing new to history, but you wouldn't know that with the current media. I guess they want us to believe that Asian men were either sterile or asexual back then.

To add my two cents worth about Asian American male intermarriages, there was also a high number of intermarriages with black and Native American women in the Mississippi Delta and in the West as well as a high percentage of intermarriage to Irish women in New York. Gary Okihiro's book: Margins and Mainstreams: Asians in American History and Culture, has a section on it. In the beginning, it was the MEN who outmarried at higher percentages (obviously, because they had to leave the women behind in their respective countries). Also, during the early periods of slavery, some Filipinos and Asian Indians were sold into bondage and had their names changed into English names. (Read this in a historical book somewhere, can't remember the name of it, though).

There is some early literature featuring interracial relationships between Asian men and non-Asian women. Of course, I wouldn't recommend reading any of it because most of the stories have a certain alternative agenda (called: "just say no").

This is just my theory, but maybe one small (not the only) reason why Asian women were allowed enterance into the US after a while was to slow down the rate of intermarriage between Asian men and non-Asian (specifically white) women. Anti-immagration laws and intermarriage laws did not exist (or were not very well enforced) when Asian men first began to come to the US as laborers.
Joy Friday, September 27, 2002 at 22:38:06 (PDT) []



